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Interview with Amanda Somerville…

Interview with Amanda Somerville about «Trillium» promo, Delain Tour, and much more… Check it out at this location…

Hi Amanda, first of all, happy new year! Now, let me thank you for taking your time answering our questions. Tell me, how are you? 🙂

Happy new year. 🙂 I’m doing great, thank you!

About this new direction that your music has taken, can you tell me which kind of music are you more comfortable with? Because if we compare this Trillium’s sound and Aina there’s a huge difference, as one is heavier and the other is more symphonic.

I think comparing TRILLIUM to AINA isn’t really compatible because I didn’t have much to do with the musical composition for AINA at all; I wrote the concept, story and all the lyrics, whereas for TRILLIUM, I was involved in every aspect of the composition. Also, AINA was one of the first things I’d ever done in the metal scene and I’ve had nearly 10 years to develop further since then, so of course that will be reflected in my current sound.

The label you’ve chosen for this project’s album doesn’t promote a too strong metal sound, and maybe that’s why your voice doesn’t sound as highlighted as in other works by you. Do you feel yourself more comfortable at Frontiers Records than in any other metal music label?

I wouldn’t say that my voice isn’t a focal point on the album’s songs; it’s very important to me as compared to many other metal bands that the vocals are featured quite prominently in the mix. I chose to work with Frontiers because I enjoyed working with them on the Kiske-Somerville project and also have many friends / colleagues under their label. They’ve treated me very well, so it was an easy decision to make.

Do you consider then this project to be more of a work by Frontiers Records’ owner or is it completely yours?

Haha!! No, no, this is my baby for sure. My Italian gentlemen may be the Godfathers of the project (no pun intended ;-), but I’m definitely the mama.

Let’s talk about your previous projects… Tell me, how was working with Michael Kiske? I guess you’ll consider it an honour as many metal musicians want to work with him. Is it true he’s got a peculiar character as many say? And moreover, will there be a second part of this project?

It was definitely an honor being the other half of a duo with him. It’s not for nothing that he’s a legend in the scene! We clicked immediately and always have a good time together. I think he’s a good person and I enjoy his company and his Elvis impersonations! As for there being a follow-up album for Kiske-Somerville, I suppose time will tell, but I’m definitely up for it!

It was also said for some time that Aina’s project (which was an indisputable highlight of 2003) would have a continuation. Is that already forgotten? Or are you still planning on it?

I’ve had a 2nd part written for AINA for several years already. It kind of got put on the back burner, but I’d still be interested in checking out possibilities.

It can’t be denied that you really want to stay in the metal scene, because you’re already scheduled on the upcoming tour with Delain, but this time Delain will be headliners and Trillium’s the supporting band… Do you think it should be the other way around considering experience in this business?

This is TRILLIUM’s first release, so it’s only natural in the pecking order of the music biz. 😉 Hopefully things will go well and then perhaps TRILLIUM will be able to work up to a headliner spot.

Can you tell us some of the songs you’ll be performing in this upcoming tour?

“Machine Gun,” “Coward,” “Bow To The Ego,” “Utter Descension”…

And tell me, how’s your relationship with your girls, Floor, Simone…?

Everyone’s busy, busy!

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard about MFVF, what do you think about this festival? Do you think it helps this part of the metal scene with women on it? Because new bands still appear, such as Diabulus in Musica, 69 Chambers…

I think it’s great, both for the bands and for the audience; I know there are some die-hard supporters of the festival, and you couldn’t ask for anything more as an artist!

Why did it take so long for you to release a new solo project? Though Trillium is not an Amanda Somerville’s solo project per se…

Well, I’m a busy girl. I bounce between 3 countries, I do all sorts of work for other bands and artists, plus have various projects of my own and solo concerts I play, etc. Sometimes that means that my own work takes extra long to complete.

What would you highlight of this Trillium’s cd? Do you think this is your best up to now? And why?

I would say that I’m most proud of “Windows” and “Alloy” so far. They’re audio “snapshots” of myself and who I am as a person and musician. I keep journals and also like to go back and read how I felt or what I did at various moments in time because you can use that to measure how much you’ve grown since then. I’m happy with who I am and where I am at this point in my life and that’s also why I’m so happy with the way “Alloy” has turned out. It’s me; plain and simple. Or perhaps not o plain and simple. 😉

I can see Sander Gommans is part of your projects lately, as a permanent guitarist. What does Sander contribute to your music and your life?

We’ve been working together now since 2003. He’s a wonderful musician and we’ve always meshed well together, which is important to me in working with someone because music is the most intimate form of personal expression for me. I’m quite a “family” person and so I love working with people I know very well and get along with. Working with Sander on HDK was a huge turning point for me as a musician because that’s when I truly felt like I took metal into my heart (of which he’s fiercely proud!) and truly made it another facet of myself. It’s because of him that I fell in love with this style of music; writing it and performing it. I also admire him as a musician because he’s so completely different from me, since I’m a piano player and approach songwriting and instrumentation quite differently. We complement each other and it works well.

Well, that’s all for this interview. Thanks again for answering our questions, and if you wanna add anything or tell anything to our readers, this is the moment. All the best Amanda 🙂

Thank you so much for your time and interest! I wish you all the best and hope to see you sometime soon at a live show!! xx Amanda

Leticia Ballester/David Aresté

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